
Did you know that for most transactions you do not need to visit a Service Centre? Check to see if you can do the transaction online or by phone (13 22 81) and save yourself the visit!

The wait time at Service Centres will vary throughout the day depending on the number of customers and the complexity of the transactions currently being served. Your kindness, patience and support are appreciated.


This Service Centre accepts payment via card and cheque only and does not accept cash. This is to support your safety and the safety of our team members.


Quiet hour

Every Wednesday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am at Access Canberra walk in service centres.

Quiet hour makes it easier for customers who need a quieter environment to complete their transactions. It supports all visitors with neurodiversity.

Where possible our walk in service centres will have:

If you visit us during this time, please put your phone on silent and keep your voice down.

Hidden disabilities

All Access Canberra Service staff receive Hidden Disabilities Sunflower training to support people with a hidden disability. Staff wear a supporter pin to show they have completed the training.

You can wear a sunflower lanyard or pin to let us know you might need extra help, understanding, or more time.


There is accessible parking:

There is also some on-street parking on Benjamin Way.


Swanson Plaza, Swanson Court, Belconnen ACT