How can I cancel my trip for a refund?

You can cancel your trip and request a refund via your account. Sign in, open your trip, go to the Changes & cancellations section and click Refunds and cancellations.

You can also cancel your trip through the carrier directly. For more info on that, see here.

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When to cancel during COVID 19

If you're not sure whether you’ll be able to travel, we advise you to wait with the cancellation. You will have more refund options and might receive a larger refund if your trip is canceled by the carrier and not by you.

If you're confident that your trip has been canceled and we haven't notified you, please also wait. Carriers all over the world change their schedules at the last minute, and they don't always notify us in a timely manner. We’ll let you know as soon as we have been informed.

If your trip doesn't get canceled a few days before departure or we don't notify you, you can cancel it yourself up to 48 hours before departure. However, keep in mind that your cancellation options depend on the rules of the ticket type you chose.

If you booked less than a week before your trip and have a Flexi Ticket, you’ll be able to cancel up to 4 hours before departure.

Partial cancellations

We don't offer partial cancellations. It's only possible to cancel the whole itinerary for all passengers. If you can't or don’t want to use a part of your trip, you might be able to change it.

Tip: If your flights have different reservation numbers (PNRs), they're not connected by the carriers — you can skip some of them without affecting your itinerary.

However, if you have a return flight or a connecting flight with the same PNR, you usually have to take the first one to be able to board the second.
You can see your PNRs in your e-ticket.

Cancellation due to a death or medical issue

Regardless of the reason you cancel — even if for bereavement or medical reasons — you’ll still only have the standard refund options.

To be able to receive compensation, you should have travel insurance that covers medical issues and resulting cancellations.

Grace period

Most carriers don’t provide a 24 hour grace period allowing free cancellations — and because we book your ticket through various carriers, we’re not able to offer them either. No matter when you decide to cancel or make trip changes, once your ticket is purchased and confirmed, regular rules will still apply.

Unused flights

It's not possible to get a refund if you miss your flight or if you don't travel for other reasons without canceling the trip in advance.

If you miss your flight or decide not to travel without canceling it in advance, you can try to request a refund from the carrier. What you’re eligible for depends on the carrier’s terms, but will usually include airport fees and government taxes. If we see that your flight was unused, we’ll wait 10 months from the booking date — so that you can have a chance to claim it yourself — before claiming it on your behalf. We’ll withhold a fee of €59, and send the rest to you.